Here is an example of how you might search ⌡MEDLINE≡ using MacSPIRS:
Select ⌡Find Records≡ from the Search menu and type:
⌡lung in mesh≡
then click the ⌡Start Search≡ button.
This searches for all MeSH headings containing the word ⌡lung≡.
Then type:
⌡and smok*≡
and click the ⌡Start Search≡ button again.
This narrows the search to records that also include any word beginning with the root ⌡smok* ≡ (e.g. smoking, smokers), anywhere in the record.
Next type:
⌡and english in la≡
and click the ⌡Start Search≡ button.
This excludes foreign language material.
Next, click the ⌡Show Records Found≡ button.
This displays all of the records found, beginning with the first. To see a quick list of all the titles retrieved: click the ⌡Select Fields≡ box; select the ⌡TITLE≡ field by clicking its short field name ("TI"); then click the ⌡OK≡ button.